Garden Explorer

In the Biodiversity Garden, complete the tasks with your family to feel and observe life around you. Make a beast of clay, a nature table or learn to recognise bird songs thanks to AI.

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Formation d'un nuage avec de la glace carbonique

The Cloud Factory

What causes these light, poetic forms that float around above our heads? To find out how they are formed, come and make your own cloud and observe the invisible phenomena that create them.

Discover The Cloud Factory
Robot mytini panda pour apprendre à programmer


There’s an emergency! The earth has moved, we need to help the victims.  From your checkpoint, you can create and launch programs with your “robot-rescuer” Will it get there in time to limit the damage? You’ll soon learn how to communicate with it to make sure it obeys your commands effectively. 

Discover Robot-rescuers

Light investigation

All the treats are gone, but who took them?! Find out with an investigation where the clues are revealed when the right viewing device is used! Blacklight, optical illusions, a magnifying glass – decode the messages and find the guilty culprit!

Discover Light investigation