Does SPARKOH! have a cafeteria ?
SPARKOH! has a cafeteria serving snacks (sandwiches, wraps, salads, pasta…) and light refreshments. Weather permitting, the cafeteria’s terrace offers access to outside spaces, not far from the play area.
How is snow formed? What causes lightning?
Where does the wind come from? Why does a volcano erupt?
From the smallest drop of water to terrifying tsunamis, the Geo’Dynamic! exhibition takes you on an exciting journey of discovery through the meteorological and geophysical phenomena that take place within and on the surface of our Earth.
In this new space, designed to look like an Earth observation station, explore, discover, play with, experience and feel: rain, storms, clouds, earthquakes and the wind. Let your senses and actions be immersed and allow your emotions to take you on a journey. Ready to start this adventure?
What if we told the history of the Earth on a one-year timeline?
After the Earth was formed on 1 January, the dinosaurs appeared on 12 December and mammals on 13 December… when did humans come along?
Marvel at the falling snow, be swept away by the wind or surprised by the storm… in the Geo’Dynamic exhibition dedicated to natural, climatic and geophysical phenomena, visitors will be overcome with amazement, surprise and curiosity when they find out that our Earth is a dynamic, living and moving system.
Explore the 5 themed areas.
Each area will immerse you in its monumental, poetic installation:
©Picture 1-2 : USGS sur Unsplash / Picture 3 : Breno Machado sur Unsplash / Picture 4 : NASA
©Picture 1 : James_Eades sur Unsplash / Picture 2 – 3 : NASA
And where do human beings come in to all of this? What impact does human activity have on natural, climatic and geophysical phenomena? Are humans disrupting the Earth’s natural balance?